Oh, Baby!
Caring for Your Newborn is offered at 6:30 p.m. May 16, and July 18 at Bon Secours St. Francis Eastside. Register online at bonsecours.com/about-us/classes-events or call 864-675-4400.
Navigating Motherhood, a free support group for new and expecting moms, is offered by Reproductive Journey Counseling and Support. The groups are free, but online registration is requested. Groups meet 10:30 a.m. – noon the first Monday of each month at Nourish Integrative Lactation and Wellness and 7 – 8:30 p.m. the third Thursday of each month at Reproductive Journey. These free gatherings are open to any mom with young children (infancy through preschool age) wanting to feel better, share experiences and connect with other moms. For details and registration, visit reproductivejourney.com/navigating-motherhood.
Prepared Breastfeeding is offered May 16 (e-class) and May 21 and June 18 (in person) from Spartanburg Medical Center. Visit SpartanburgRegional.com/Prenatal or call 864-560-BABY to register.
Prepared Parents: Infant Care is offered June 13 from Spartanburg Medical Center. Visit SpartanburgRegional.com/Prenatal or call 864-560-BABY to register.
A virtual tour of Prisma Health Greenville Memorial Hospital is available. Call 864-455-BABY (2229) or visit prismahealth.org for more information.
OB hospital tours are offered at Bon Secours St. Francis Eastside. Register online at bonsecours.com/about-us/classes-events or call 864-675-4400.
Infant Safety is offered at 6:30 p.m. July 11 at Bon Secours St. Francis Eastside. Register online at bonsecours.com/about-us/classes-events or call 864-675-4400.
Nourish Integrative Lactation and Wellness offers programs in Greenville and Spartanburg. A free infant feeding and postpartum support group meets 10 a.m. – noon on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. For details, visit nourishgreenville.com.
Childbirth Preparation is offered at Bon Secours St. Francis Eastside. A half-day class is 6 – 9 p.m. June 3. Register online at bonsecours.com/about-us/classes-events or call 864-675-4400.
A Breastfeeding Class is offered at 6 p.m. May 20, and June 24 at Bon Secours St. Francis Eastside. Register online at bonsecours.com/about-us/classes-events or call 864-675-4400.
Be Prepared – Spartanburg Regional offers Prepared Grandparents and Prepared Fathers classes online. For details, visit spartanburgregional.com/events for details.
Safe Kids 101 for New and Expecting Parents is offered regularly by Safe Kids of the Piedmont and Spartanburg Medical Center. To register, visit spartanburgregional.com.
Free Ultrasounds – The Diagnostic Medical Sonography program at Greenville Technical College offers free OB ultrasounds at its OB Ultrasound Clinic on the Barton Campus. Ultrasounds are performed by students under direct supervision. Live 4D scanning will be performed and 3D pictures will be provided to all patients. Scanning labs are for expectant mothers between 22 and 30 weeks gestational age at time of the appointment. For registration, details, and COVID protocols, call 864-250-8290. For more information, visit gvltec.edu/obultrasound-clinic.
The Doula Group offers a variety of classes, including an Evidence Based Birth Childbirth Class), VBAC and Cesarean Support Circle, and a Group Spinning Babies Parent Class (class to help parents learn Spinning Babies techniques that will help their baby get into an optimal position for labor and birth). For details, visit thedoulagroup.com.
Table for Two is offered from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Wednesdays at Spartanburg Medical Center. A certified lactation specialist facilitates an open, supportive forum to talk about the challenges and joys of breastfeeding. This is a casual gathering for breastfeeding moms and breastfeeding babies from birth – 6 months. Registration is required. For details, visit spartanburgregional.com/events/table-two.
Getting Ready for Baby is offered at Prisma Health Patewood. For details and registration, visit prismahealth.org/patients-and-guests/events.
Prepared Childbirth Classes are offered online and in person from Prisma Health. For details and registration, visit prismahealth.org/patients-and-guests/events.
A Breastfeeding Class is offered at Prisma Health – Patewood and at the Prisma Health Greenville Memorial campus. For details and registration, visit prismahealth.org/patients-and-guests/events.